find flight with this dynamic vinyasa workshop. this workshop is designed to safely break down the basics of arm balances and inversions. the inversion focus shall include: urdva mukha vrksasana/ handstand, pincha mayurasana/ forearm stand, sirsasana/ shoulder stand, and the king of all asana sirsasana/ headstand. the arm balance focus shall include: bakasana/ crow, koundinyasana/ scissors, parsva bakasana/ side crow, and astra vrkasana/ 8-limb staff. work on cutlivating your core strength, getting to know your bandas while develop intuitive trust, in the midst of a sequencial vinyasa flow.
$35, $30 if pre-registered, or use your workshop passport: 4 workshops with TS in-house teachers for $99 over 6 months.
Official Website:
Added by jhaile on December 29, 2008