Exploring Excellence in Sustainable Architecture and Design
Can “green” buildings be beautiful? On June 14th, 2007, the third installment of Arlington’s Architecture Speaker Series will explore this question. Arlington is already recognized as a national leader in green building practices, and continues to explore how we can do more.
This program features two well-known design professionals who will explore how sustainable architecture can contribute to design excellence in the civic realm, while creating energy efficient, resource efficient, and environmentally sensitive buildings where people live, work, and play.
• Travis Price III, AIA, architect, educator, philosopher, and author of The Archaeology of Tomorrow: Architecture and the Spirit of Place, and principal of Travis Price Architects.
• Susan C. Piedmont-Palladino, RA is an architect and an Associate Professor of Architecture at the Washington/Alexandria Architecture Consortium (WAAC).
Question and answer session will follow the presentations.
For more information, please visit the Arlington County Architecture Speaker Series web page
Official Website: http://www.arlingtonva.us/Departments/CPHD/forums/architecture/CPHDForumsArch_Series.aspx
Added by afusarelli on May 7, 2007