ok kids here we go.......
Friday California Adventure oct 22ed
2-2:30 Meet in front of Ariel Window at Off The Page Store in California Adventure,
Go to Ariels and have dinner and see World of Color.
After World of Color we will go to the elecTRONica party and check it out in the Hollywood Studios section of the park.
Saturday, October 23rd
10:30 Meet up in front of the castle for a group picture
11:15 get on Small World and sea if we can sink it again!!!!! (ahhhh memories)
12 noon go on Story Book ride and wave hi to Ariel. Hey maybe we can sink this one too)!
12:45 go have lunch at the restaurant River Belle Terrace. I will pass out short trivia fun quiz.
2:00 go see Billy Hill and the Hillbillies
3:00 Go ride Nightmare Before Christmas!! One of Ariels' favorite rides! (yeah I just made that up)
5:30 Meet at Plaza Restaurant and do the Ariel gift exchange. $10 limit. Bring something fun to change with someone else because NONE of us have enough Ariel stuff.
9:30 Fireworks!!!!!
Sunday October 24th
10:30 Meet at Ralph Brennans Jazz Kitchen at Downtown Disney for Brunch
noon : hugs all around and say good-bye to all our arielcon buddies until next year!!!!
I am still finalizing the dinner time for World of Color but it looks like it will be around 6. I will let you know that today. This Arielcon is goiing to be a bit more low key. I have cool nametags for everyone but no shirts. So everyone wear your favorite Ariel shirt and have a great time. I am not charging anything for this Arielcon, you just have to pay for your own meals and way in the park. I have scheduled this so we will only be in one park per day so if you have to buy passes you don't need park hoppers. If you need to reach me my phone has email so feel free to email me at afj1@att.net. Thanks guys! I am in Atlanta right now and will land in California by 11 this morning so bring it on!
Sea you real soon!!!!
What is it?
A (very modest) Ariel fan convention at Disneyland Resort
Arielcon is a twice-yearly gathering of fans of Ariel, the star of Disney's animated movie version of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid. Arielcon Atlantica is held at Walt Disney World in January, and Arielcon Pacifica is at Disneyland Resort in October.
Arielcon started when members of the Arielholics Anonymous mailing list wanted to meet each other at Disney World.
There are guests?
Not this year.
Does it cost anything?
Usually, but not this year! But you do need to bring an Ariel gift in the $10 range for the gift exchange (If you want to exchange gifts).
Separate from the above, you have to pay for park tickets, food, hotel rooms & airfare yourself.
How do I sign up?
RSVP to the Facebook event (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=119968718053395)
Join our Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=144055332278097) and respond to the post where Anita asked "Who is going?"
Join the mailing list (http://shadz.homestead.com/files/Arielholics.html) and send an email saying that you are coming
Any other rules?
Unless you are coming with a parent or guardian, you must be over 18.
Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=119968718053395
Added by shadz.rm on August 21, 2010
Auntie M
*sigh* Can't go this year. But will keep my eyes open for Next Year. Ariel's Dark Ride will be open then. ;)