The Ontario government wants to supply half of Ontario's electricity needs with nuclear power. Building new power plants and maintaining the current ones will require billions of dollars. The government has failed to seriously consider the contribution of alternatives, like conservation and renewables.
Come to a free panel discussion to learn more about the alternatives, as well as the social, environmental and economic costs of nuclear power.
WHAT: Panel Discussion: Are You Clear About Nuclear?
WHEN: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 from 6-8 pm
WHERE: Hart House (Music Room) at U of T
SPEAKERS: Dave Martin from Greenpeace
Kim Fry from Mothers Against Nuclear
Bill Lishman, director of Earth Energy
Sheila Petzold, director of Port Hope: A Question of Power
Organized by U of T students, with the support of the Environmental Students Union
Original PlanetFriendly Link
Added by saira on March 27, 2006