We are happy to announce our 4th ArcticEvening in partnership with Connect Estonia that takes place in Tallinn, Estonia on the 28th January from 6pm to 9pm at Von Krahl Bar (Rataskaevu 10/12). The evening goes as follows: We kick off the evening with a very brief introduction off the Estonian and Finnish startups scenes. After that we will have 4 hot new startups pitching their products each having 3 minutes for their pitch. After each pitch we take a short Q&A. If you’re a startup see below for instruction to apply.
After the startups are done presenting we will continue with a Panel of prominent figures from the Finnish and Estonian startup scenes discussing about the respective startup ecosystems, startups, entrepreneurship, investing and everything that comes with it. To give you a taste, the high level panel include for example Sten Tamkivi of Skype.
We will end the evening with a lively networking where people from different scenes meet each other, find partners and make valuable connections that can lead to concrete business deals.
We will cap the participation to first 100 participants that sign-up. The participation if free, but once you sign-up you should show up or end up on our black list. We recommend to sign-up fast since all the previous ArcticEvenings have been sold out.
Official Website: http://www.arcticstartup.com/arctic-evenings/
Added by Antti Vilpponen on January 15, 2009