2920 Zoo Dr
San Diego, California 92101

Not all Arctic animals are big and white; most aren't even furry. We've brought some of these feathered denizens to San Diego: diving ducks and shorebirds, such as buffleheads, smews, and mergansers. A covered aviary with the chilled pond and underwater viewing window and sandy beaches help the shorebirds feel at home.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 3, 2010



In the gregslizt.com comment here (with all the housing listings, claiming to show you all the houses in the midtown tour of homes) has all the links leading to homes represented by one, single, greedy real estate agent, who's name is not worth publicizing here. For those of you who don't know what this is, this is called SPAMMING!

ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!! Don't bother wasting your time trying to view all these links one-by-one like I did!!