2800 Archwood Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44109

This is the annual Archwood Street Fair of renown.* We’ve been having it for so many years now I have to ask somebody else when it all started–I think it was in 1980-something. Originally, we tried to sell a lot of rehab and restoration items as well as antiques, and that is still the basic purpose. It now also functions as a way for all of us to clean house, so it’s taken on aspects of the huge neighborhood garage sale as well. Some of us who don’t live on Archwood actually haul our stuff in the night before. The inventory is usually pretty good.

Further, some entrepreneurs now set up food stands and assorted flea market venues. It’s a real melting pot…Open source. It’s also ideal for bicycles and walking.

The stated hours are from 9 AM-6 PM on Saturday and 10 AM-5 PM on Sunday, and some people stay open a little longer, and some people wrap up early.

This year will also feature some fun, music, and art events. Brooklyn Centre Naturalists will have a table set up near the action. Stop by our booth and see how easy it is to become a wildlife habitat. Buy one of our raffle tickets for a chance to win an incredible basket full of gardening treasures. Any of you who attended Earth Fest this year knows how incredible Greg Cznadel’s baskets were. If you can, check out the joint gardening project of Brooklyn Memorial Church and us.

Added by timferris on June 5, 2009