756 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60642

For its 20th anniversary exhibition, Intuit invited Roger Manley, curator, author and director of the Gregg Museum of Art & Design at North Carolina State University to "mine" Intuit's growing permanent collection. He has selected 84 works of art, both two-dimensional and sculpture, by 39 self-taught artists. According to Manley, 'Architecture of Hope -- the Treasures of Intuit' demonstrates how self-taught artists depict or create structures (and in some cases, whole environments and imaginary worlds) in order to transform life's difficulties into opportunities for artistic invention. The exhibition theme also serves as a metaphor for Intuit, an organization entering its second decade as an internationally recognized center for self-taught art and creative expression. Artists represented in the exhibition include: Eugene Andolsek, Eugene von Bruenchenhein, Reverend Howard Finster, William Hawkins, BJ Newton, Martin Ramirez, Wesley Willis, Grace and Clarence Woolsey, and Betty Zakoian.


Added by Upcoming Robot on May 6, 2011