Various Locations
New York, New York

Archaeological, Cultural, Singles In Mayan Paradise: May 28 - June 3

WHEN: May 28 to June 3, 2009
WHERE: Mexico – Chiapas
COST: $1870.00 Prepaid

Join Real Live People Party singles this spring for our Mayan cultural, archaeological singles tour. Lean first hand about Mexico's heritage, visit the oldest known structures in our hemisphere and best of all make new friends while enjoying a really interesting week. The State of Chiapas lies at the southern tip of Mexico, where the thick rain forests intersect with the rugged mountains of the Sierra Madre del Sur that cloak innumerable lakes, grand rivers and uncountable waterfalls.

It is here in the middle of beautiful forests and dense jungle that we find a unique blend of Colonial charm and the dense population of Mayan people, all of whom still speak their original dialect. Their archaeological structures that mark what once were grand cities or impressive ceremonial sites of the great Mayan civilization dating back thousands of years mix with a strong Spanish influence in quaint colonial cities where the customs and traditions still prevail. A Closer Look Tours brings you ultimate Mayan Culture Tour.

For more details on pricing or other general information, please visit the website link provided.

Official Website:

Added by Cup on March 1, 2009

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