130 Sutter Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, California

Architectural Gems Bike Tour
September 30, 2007 11:00 am
Meet at AIA San Francisco, 130 Sutter Street, San Francisco

Curious about buildings in SF? AIA-SF made a list of what they consider to be the top 25. Now this is your chance to visit them with local architect and bike enthusiast/activist David Baker as your guide.

Visit www.aiasf.org/archandcity for the list of AIA San Francisco’s Top 25 buildings.

$10 AIA/SFBC Members;
$25 Nonmembers (Includes annual membership to San Francisco Bike Coalition)
Contact: AIA SF info@aiasf.org

Official Website: http://www.aiasf.org/calendar/cal_detail.cfm?cid=2255

Added by lukewho on August 27, 2007



do you ride bikes on this tour?