Aram Saroyan has enjoyed success in a wide variety of literary forms: poetry (where he developed a distinctive minimalist style in the 1960’s, but has more recently written in a less unconventional manner), memoir, long and short fiction, literary biography, and in recent years, drama. His book The Street was made into a feature-length film. Saroyan will discuss how this all came about, and what it means to concurrently practice diverse forms of writing.
This event also serves as a book release for “Four Monologues” ($40), published under the Center’s Epicenter imprint. Designed and produced in an edition of 300 copies by MFA students in Clifton Meador’s advanced graduate printing class. The Center for Book and Paper Arts is a division of the college’s Interdisciplinary Arts Department.
Added by mediarelationsasst on January 4, 2012