Thorpe Street
Birmingham, England B1 4TB

The Patrick Centre, DanceXchange
Saturday 10 May
10.00am, 11.30am, 1pm, 2.30pm.

This show runs four times per day!

Suitability: This performance is suitable for babies under 2 years and their parents.
Running Time: Approx 25 minutes with no interval
Click times for other performances of Tac Tac
11.30am 1pm 2.30pm

Tickets from £4

A shared experience in a sea of sensations, Tac Tac is a dance performance for a very select audience; babies! Diving into their realities and sensory development, the excitement of their daily conquests and their games are brought to life through colour and materials, rhythm, music and movement.

Limited seating available for this performance - book now on 0870 730 1234*.

Want more? Why not take part in a workshop?

Official Website:

Added by Article19 on April 22, 2008

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