Septiembre 9, 10, y 11, a las 8 pm
The MCCLA is collaborating with the Mission-based theater troupe Social Irruption to present an original, Spanish language work entitled, Aqui no pasa nada ("Everything's Just Fine"). The group will perform this exciting new play during a three night stand at the MCCLA Theater from September 9-11, 2010, beginning at 8 pm each evening.
Social Irruption frames Aqui no pasa nada this way: "Between laughter and tragedy, the real and the imagined, people continue to grapple for meaning in the post-9/11 world. Meanwhile, on the streets of America... everything's just fine and dandy? Aqui no pasa nada posits the question: "Which will win? Indifference and hatred, or is there a force that has the power to break the apathy that drowns out our ability to respond?"
Social Irruption was formed recently by veteran, Mission-based actors. Most troupe members are immigrants to the US-from Germany, Guatemala, and Mexico-and thus thrive on their diverse training backgrounds and life experiences. The group collectively writes and performs their works in Spanish and entertains themes of immigration, war, economic inequality, gender relations and racism.
Through the presentation of Aqui no pasa nada, Social Irruption hopes to revive a latent activist-theater project in the City, designed to inspire reflection on current social realities and inspire action for social change. The group performed at this year's San Francisco Theater Festival. Most recently, they performed at the "Problema #1070" event, a night of skits and spoken word performances organized in response to the recent implementation of the SB 1070 law in Arizona.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 28, 2010