Join us to learn about doing business in a Web 2.0 world. Nancy Marmolejo of Viva Visibility, is a PR, media & social networking strategist and she will be teaching us about "How to Turn Followers Into Fans (and Fans Into Leads!) with Social Networking".
You know that social networking is THE place to be for online marketing, but how do you know if you using it effectively as a lead generation tool?
On this call, Nancy will share with you her "magic secrets" of turning social networking followers into fans and fans into pre-sold leads.
You will learn:
* Expert tips on setting up a strong social networking presence so you stand out from your peers and competition
* The 4 Parts of the Social Marketing Cycle that turns followers into fans and fans into leads
* The big 2-part strategy you need to stay consistent and memorable
* Big mistakes social networkers make that cost you fans, followers, leads, and sales (you can't afford to miss this part!)
* Cutting edge techniques to connect authentically with your market and the tools to get that done
Added by AliceTChan on April 11, 2009