70 North 6th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Tonight, April 13, Moviehouse presents two thrilling films that left indelible marks of all of as kids. Come see the joyful journey of Dorothy and friends in The Wizard of Oz or experience the eccentric epic of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at Galapagos Art Space.

Before the features watch the brilliant short films of Ken Brown (www.kenbrownpixpop.com). Brown uses his "chika chika" single frame technique to animate graffiti, bring statues to life, and move people magically through the world. He will be on hand to take questions following the screening.

To close the evening, VJ Clay Franklin splices together found footage, classic scenes, and crazy stuff he made himself. As always there will be free popcorn for everyone and free drinks for the winner of the Munchkins vs. Oompa Loompas trivia contest.

All this of just $5!

Moviehouse presents NYC's best short films, a classic feature, and an afterparty with the neighborhood's best VJs and DJs on the first Sunday of every month at Galapagos Art Space. To submit your own film, send a clearly marked DVD to Brilliant Productions, PO Box 431, New York, NY 10276 or email moviehouse@brilliantp.com.

Moviehouse is sponsored by Brilliant Productions (www.brilliantp.com), Indiepix (www.indiepixfilms.com), East Village Radio (www.eastvillageradio.com), Well Kept Design (www.wellkeptdesign.com), and Galapagos Art Space (www.galapagosartspace.com)..

The details:
What: Moviehouse presents The Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the films of Ken Brown.
Where: Galapagos Arts Space, 70 N. 6th Street
When: April 13, 8pm
How Much: $5
Contact: moviehouse@brilliantp.com

Upcoming Moviehouse shows:
May 4: Do The Right Thing and A Bronx Tale with shorts by Lauren Kritzer and Robert Castillo
June 1: Leon The Professional and Snatch with shorts by Mark Harris and Powell Weaver

For more Information: www.myspace.com/reellifemoveihouse

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/reellifemoveihouse

Added by brilliantp on March 9, 2008

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