Apple's newest retail store will hold its grand opening at 10AM on Saturday. I plan to be there and will hopefully be one of the first through the doors. Join me for a night of Mac camaraderie, geeking, and good times.
The Apple store is located on the lower level between Victoria's Secret and Pottery Barn Kids.
Mall doors open at 9AM, and I assume the line will form at the Mall entrance near Dicks Sporting Goods.
UPDATE: I just called Flatirons Security and they informed me that no one will be permitted to line up on mall property over night. Guests can show up first thing in the morning. Mall doors open at around 8AM. I'm not sure what this means in terms of getting together over night, maybe somewhere off site? Tailgating? Discuss in the comments.
Watch this page for more details.
Official Website:
Added by danlurie on May 2, 2006