Monday 30th March2009 : Berlin, Germany Crowne Plaza Berlin
Meet and network with fellow pathologists, histologists, biostatisticians, researchers, informaticians, and biologists to share ideas about implementing whole slide imaging and image analysis in drug development, academic, clinical and research environments.
Seminar Topics
Image Analysis Tools for Analyzing Whole Slides Applications in Neuroscience, Diabetes, and Cancer Research Analyzing and Managing Tissue Microarray (TMA) Data Digital Pathology Solutions for ER/PR and HER2 Analysis Organizing Digital Slides and Image Data using Spectrum Plus Histology Pattern Recognition in Toxicology & Research Digital Pathology in Pre-Clinical and Clinical Consultation
Distinguished Guest Lecturers
Analysis and handling of tissue microarrays: a comparison of microscopic and digital approachesDr. Michael Hummel, Institute of Pathology, University Medical Center Charit CBF, Berlin
Virtual Microscopy for Application in Teleconsultation and TelepathologyDr. Hans-Peter Sinn, Professor of Gynecological Pathology, University Hospital, Heidelberg
Digital Pathology in Preclinical ConsultationDr. Maurice Cary, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP, CEO of Pathology Experts, LLC, Basel
The Digital Pathology Seminars are complimentary. Lunch & refreshments will be provided.
Space is limited!Register online to reserve your seat.
Questions? Please contactJacqueline A
jray@aperio.comMobil +49 (0) 151-22334476
Organized by Aperio TechnologiesAperio is digitizing pathology. We provide systems and services for digital pathology, a digital environment for the management and interpretation of pathology information that originates with the digitization of a glass slide.
Aperio systems facilitate histopathology management & tissue-based image analysis for drug discovery research, medical device research, preclinical GLP studies, clinical trials, academic biomedical and basic research, hospitals, and medical reference labs.
Ticket Info: Aperio Seminar Series, Free
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