Apartment vacancies have hit a 10-year low and are at their lowest level since 2001. Rents are rising sharply and prices at an all time low making 2012 the best time to make great returns investing in real estate.
How would you like to make hundreds of thousands of passive income a year, every year for the rest of your life by investing in multi-family properties instead of making tens of thousands once or twice a year flipping a house?
What you'll learn at the 1-Day Apartment Workshop:
* The differences between Apartments and Single Family Homes
* The Advantages and Disadvantages of Apartments
* Key Terms You Need to Understand.
* How to Read the Financials
* How to Quickly Analyze a Deal
* Review Actual Deals
Learn from Anthony Chara an 'Apartment Investing' expert dedicated to teaching others how to profit from this incredible opportunity. Anthony is a seasoned Real Estate investor with investing and property management experience dating back to 1993. He'll show you why apartments/multi-units make sense in today's market.
January 5, 2012 (Reuters) - According to real estate research firm Reis Inc, U.S. apartment vacancies fell to 5.2 percent a 10-year low in the fourth quarter and rents continued to rise as the economy showed signs of growth. Those trends should continue this year, the firm added, with rents increasing sharply as vacancies decline.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of 'Rich Dad , Poor Dad' got out of the 'Rat Race' by buying apartment buildings. He recognized the importance of cash flow from apartment buildings.
Apartments can be less risky than a single family rental. Built for cash flow, apartments can be more stable. The reason is based on numbers. "If you have a house and the renter moves out, you have a 100% vacancy rate," said Anthony Chara of Apartment Mentors. "If you have ten, 15, 20 units or more, and a renter moves out, you still have people paying your mortgage."
Official Website: http://apartmentsinvesting.eventbrite.com/
Added by FullCalendar on February 26, 2012