Antiwar Rally
Tell Pelosi: Cut The War Funds! Support Our Troops: Bring Them Home Now! Books not Bombs!
More than 655,000 Iraqi deaths. More than 3,000 American deaths. Trillions of dollars spent on a war for oil -- instead of public education and human needs. We can and must end these crimes.
Students from 55 schools across the Bay Area have collected thousands of signatures on a petition to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding that she and Congress cut the military funding for the illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq. Join us at this important rally and speakout to tell Pelosi to respect the mandate of the people.
All ages are welcome.
When: Thursday, February 22, 4:30 to 5:30 P.M.
Where: San Francisco Federal Building 450 Golden Gate (& Larkin), near City Hall
Contact: 415 646 6469 --
Added by ricoalexander on February 13, 2007