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When they advocate for an end to the Occupation and a sustainable Israeli-Palestinian peace, Jews face challenges. Powerful forces in the Jewish community strive to stifle debate by claiming that any criticism of Israeli policies or actions is inherently anti-Semitic, or that Jewish critics of Israel are 'self-hating Jews.' On the other hand, progressive Jews do encounter anti-Jewish rhetoric and stereotypes. How can we identify and constructively challenge real anti-Semitism, understand when charges of anti-Semitism are unfounded, discover allies, and work effectively for justice and peace in the Mid-East?
We will use excerpts from three diverse sources including "Some Notes on Anti-Semitism from a Progressive Jewish Perspective," by Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz (March/April issue of /Jewish Currents/ magazine); "O Havruta, O Mituta: How To Strengthen The Palestinian Solidarity Movement By Making Friends With Jews " by Guy Izhak Austrian and Ella Goldman; and "No, it's not anti-Semitic" by Judith Butler (London Review of Books, August 21, 2003). If you need help downloading these articles, please email
For more information, contact: or 206-547-3914 ext. 2.
Added by davebasior on May 30, 2007