Length: 2 DaysPrice: $1200.00Prerequisite: Basic Structural NonlinearitiesFrom contact stiffness and friction to surface-to-surface, node-to-node and bolt pretension elements, this two-day course is designed to analyze contact models that cannot be readily solved using default settings.
Course Topics Include:
Contact Overview
Typical Applications & Contact Classifications
Contact Stiffness
Basic Concepts & Determining a Value
Friction Contact and Auto Timestepping
Surface-to-Surface Elements
Advanced Options for Special Problems
Rigid Surface Considerations
Creating without the Contact Wizard & Troubleshooting
Node-to-Node Elements
Node-to-Surface Elements
Bolt Pretension Elements
PRETS179 Element and Typical Procedure
Each course chapter is followed by "hands-on" workshops and exercises.
Organized by SimuTech Group - ClevelandSimuTech Group, Inc. is the largest reseller of ANSYS engineering
simulation software in North America. To complement sales and support
of this technology, the company provides training, mentoring,
consulting and testing services. With more than 60 employees, over 50
percent of staff hold advanced degrees in fields such as engineering
and sciences; many also have extensive industry expertise, including
the aerospace, turbomachinery, automotive, electronics packaging and
medical industries. Headquartered in Rochester, New York, U.S.A., the
company has eight offices in North America
Ticket Info: Two day class, $1,200.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/213201692/upcoming