The Ontario Wine Society Presents Our Sixth Annual Wine Fair Monday, April 13, 2009, 6:00pm, U of T Faculty Club Our Biggest Social Event of the Year!
The Ontario Wine Society invites you, your family and friends to participate in our wonderful Sixth Annual Ontario Wine Fair.
As those of you who have attended before know, this event offers an informal format where you can mingle with your fellow OWSers and friends while enjoying a wide selection of wines from most Ontario wineries. There will be over 300 Ontario VQA wines to taste from crisp and dry to luscious and sweet. This is a walk around cocktail party style event! This is THE opportunity of the year for you and all of your wine-loving, fun-loving friends to join us for an evening of sipping and mingling in our usual OWS laid-back atmosphere. At this event you can sample the most extensive and varied selection of Ontario VQA wines offered in the GTA. This year, to make it even more interesting, we have invited members of the new iYellow wine club to come socialize with us. Appetizers will be passed throughout the evening and, remember, please share. Since the focus of this event is the wine, if possible, please grab a bite before snack wont be enough.
$37 per person
Dress is business casual, no jeans or running shoes, please.
[ Event Flyer ]
Note: By purchasing tickets to this event online, you agree to the following WAIVER, RELEASE AND INDEMNITY - I, for myself, my heirs or assigns, and my guests for whom I accept complete responsibility, hereby release and forever discharge and indemnify the Ontario Wine Society (OWS), its executive, all members and their guests, from any and all damages, claims and actions relating to OWS activities, at Society functions or on Society grounds. I certify that I, and my guests, are 19 years of age or older.
Organized by Ontario Wine Society - Toronto Chapter
Ticket Info: - Member, C$37.00
- Non-Member, C$37.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/300993279/upcoming