I am from California and Colorado, living in Egypt, My name is Carrol, or Amina . I am a painter, wish I could be there and see the art displays you mean to give, I would so like to be there to even be contrubiting to the art part, I have a full painting case of paintings i cant sell due to the economy crunch, even out here in Egypt. So I give my best to your artists who will be there with their work, its nice to be in america, my home sweet home, ...I was seling like a dream , here in Egypt , all my paintings, out here they only get bad art to buy, and over priced stuff, too. I am famous as a painter out here, But now no money for everyone makes a waiting artist with no money to even get a gallery to use. I sell at my Husbands Real Estate Office and have my one woman art gallery , there. Limited space. Two walls in Hallway, a Hidden Gallery !!But wishing you all a heart felt happy art show !!
Amina Carrol Kishk
I am from California and Colorado, living in Egypt, My name is Carrol, or Amina . I am a painter, wish I could be there and see the art displays you mean to give, I would so like to be there to even be contrubiting to the art part, I have a full painting case of paintings i cant sell due to the economy crunch, even out here in Egypt. So I give my best to your artists who will be there with their work, its nice to be in america, my home sweet home, ...I was seling like a dream , here in Egypt , all my paintings, out here they only get bad art to buy, and over priced stuff, too. I am famous as a painter out here, But now no money for everyone makes a waiting artist with no money to even get a gallery to use. I sell at my Husbands Real Estate Office and have my one woman art gallery , there. Limited space. Two walls in Hallway, a Hidden Gallery !!But wishing you all a heart felt happy art show !!
Amina Carrol Kishk