What is it?
The Annual Gathering of Coaches is your time to meet and tap into the full coaching network.
The three day event consists of training, networking, introduction of new products and services, sharing of best practices and time with key strategic partners.
The time is divided between presentations, brainstorming, small groups and panel discussions.
This event is the most important event of the year regarding your coaching practice and is certain to help you reaffirm that becoming a Duct Tape Marketing Coach was the best decision you ever made.
New product highlights include:
* Duct Tape University
* Duct Tape Blogsites
* Duct Tape Excelerator Program
* Awards and Incentive Program
* Repackaged Ultimate Marketing System
* Introduction of Office Ready Pro powered by Duct Tape Marketing
How much is it?
There is a fee of $199 for event to help offset some of the cost of meals, supplies and rentals. Please complete the ticket purchase above. If you are attending with a spouse please sign them up as well but use the coupon code: Spouse to receive a 1/2 off admission. All coaches are responsible for their travel and room fees, but most of the meals are covered by the event.
Where is it?
This year’s gathering will be held at the Hampton Inn & Suites conveniently located on the Country Club Plaza.
Hampton Inn & Suites Country Club Plaza
4600 Summit
Kansas City, MO 64112
The Country Club Plaza is one of Kansas City’s most famous tourist and shopping districts and provides everything you could need during your stay within walking distance – including museums, restaurants and shops in an old world outdoor setting. http://www.countryclubplaza.com/
When is it?
Gathering Dates: Wednesday, October 15 – Friday, October 17, 2008
Make plans to arrive on the afternoon of the 14th (Tuesday) and depart either on the evening of the 17th (Friday) 7pm flight or on the morning of the 18th (Saturday).
Reservations - What do we need to do?
There are two ways to make your reservations:
1. Call the hotel at 816-448-4600 and give the arrival and departure dates. Make sure to let the reservationists knows that you are traveling with Duct Tape Marketing.
2. Book an online reservation by clicking on the link: www.countryclubplazasuites.hamptoninn.com.
Enter your arrival and departure dates into the correct fields, then click on “Go”. Do not enter anything in the room type preference. Enter DTM in the field that asks for your group/convention code, then select continue. To complete your reservation you will select the given room type and finish filling out your personal information.
**(you must make reservations by phone if you will be staying the night of the 17th or 18th as these dates will not be in the system for DTM.)
There is an international airport (MCI) and shuttle - http://www.kctg.com/kcishuttle/hotels.html that will be able to transport you to and from the hotel. You won’t need a car as everything we do is either in the hotel or within walking distance.
What will we wear?
The Dress code will be business casual. Generally speaking the weather in KC in October is beautiful – warm days and cool nights. Bringing a light jacket might be a good idea.
What will we eat?
Breakfast, working lunch and snacks during the sessions will be provided. In addition we will host a BBQ lunch for the group, an opening night reception on Wednesday and Plaza Dinner on Thursday.
Official Website: http://ducttapegathering.eventbrite.com
Added by Eventbrite mshas events on October 14, 2008