605 Main Street
Middletown, Connecticut

Anne and Pete Sibley

June 18, Friday, 8 pm, $15. suggested donation
A marriage of harmonies…

Anne and Pete Sibley - Originally from New England, the Sibleys have been at home in the Rocky Mountain West since 1999. Singing for as long as they can remember, Anne & Pete have come many miles from their classical music training to “the people’s music:” folk, bluegrass and traditional music. Using the guitar and clawhammer banjo to accompany their tight harmonies, the Sibleys tell stories about life and love as they see it, and it is this quality that rings true with audiences from coast to coast. Anne & Pete’s music highlights their connection with the landscape, community, family, and even the food they grow and eat. Less than a decade since they released their first album, the Sibleys’ music hit the national spotlight in 2009 with a blue ribbon finish in the “Great American Duet Sing Off” on National Public Radio’s A Prairie Home Companion. Last summer, the couple released their fourth and most critically-acclaimed CD, Coming Home. Prior releases are Will You Walk With Me (2005), Winter on the Great Divide (2007) and Think of This River (2004).

Of Will You Walk With Me, Bluegrass Now writes, “What emerges front and center are the couple’s transcendent harmonies, vocal renditions that embellish already artful songwriting.” They have also self-published a songbook of their original music.

CD Baby editors reviewing Coming Home think the Sibleys voices go together like milk and honey saying, “this duo makes a strong case for the argument that there’s nothing better than unadorned, unaffected human voices.”


Added by thebuttonwoodtree on June 3, 2010

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