2592 W 14th St
Cleveland, Ohio

from http://www.clevelandart.org/educef/aroundtown/html/4414220.html:
?[Meyers] can take a meandering train of thought and spin it out into a melody of exquisite beauty. . . . This is playing of rare sensitivity.? -BBC Music Magazine

Awarded the prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant at the age of 23, Anne Akiko Meyers has attracted worldwide critical acclaim for her bold interpretations of classic works and commitment to contemporary music. A protégé of Masao Kawasaki and Dorothy DeLay at the Juilliard School, Meyers performs throughout the world seasonally and has amassed an extensive discography on the RCA Victor Red Seal and Avie labels. Her program includes works by Schubert, Satoh, Janácek, and Schnittke.

Single tickets $29, CMA members $24.

Added by sspivack on December 10, 2005

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