2230 Pontiac Trail
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105

Learn skills for resilient, low-energy living—from preserving local fruits and vegetables to winterizing your home, learning to sing, or making a root cellar. Part of the Transition Towns movement, the concept of reskilling is about preparing for our low-energy future by acquiring new skills related to what we eat, wear, use and live in. As Transition Towns founder Rob Hopkins points out, “We no longer have many of the basic skills our grandparents took for granted.” Reskilling means providing for ourselves and our communities by growing, preserving, creating, building, and teaching. This event is part of 350.org’s international day of climate action. Check out http://a2reskill.blogspot.com for schedule.

The first Ann Arbor Reskilling Festival, held in July, was a rousing success, with over 150 participants choosing from 27 different sessions on such topics as home energy efficiency, earth ovens, herbal tinctures, canning and preserving, storytelling, singing, spinning, making yogurt and cheese, beekeeping, and foraging for wild salad. See photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40626220@N03/sets/72157622092734099/

Email: transitiona2@transitionannarbor.org or phone 734-669-9394

Official Website: http://a2reskill.blogspot.com

Added by Jean-o on September 3, 2009