4700 East Huron River Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105

The latest step in the Ann Arbor to Detroit Rapid Transit Study:

"SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, announces public meetings to discuss the results of the detailed screening of the five rapid transit alternatives in the Ann Arbor to Downtown Detroit corridor."

"Comments can also be sent to SEMCOG Information Services (535 Griswold, Suite 300, Detroit, MI 48226) or e-mail infoservices@semcog.org. The deadline for comments is December 31, 2006."

Study materials available on the website. See also discussion on ArborUpdate: http://arborupdate.com/article/1421/regional-transit-do-semcogs-numbers-add-up

Official Website: http://www.annarbordetroitrapidtransitstudy.com/

Added by monkeyflower on December 1, 2006