100 S. Fourth Avenue, 2nd Floor
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Ann Arbor City Democratic Party

What: Candidate Forum (July Monthly Meeting)

When: Saturday July 8, from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon

Where: Courthouse Square (corner of Huron St. and Fourth Ave.)

Come hear the views of candidates in contested August Democratic Party primaries for city council, mayor, county commission (Ann Arbor seats), and state representative (53rd District). The forum will be moderated by former US Rep. Lynn Rivers. Parking is available for free 3 blocks from Courthouse Square at the Ann/Ashley structure or for a fee next door at the Washington St. structure.

Upcoming meetings:

* - Unity Breakfast Meeting: Saturday August 12 Ann Arbor Community Center (10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon)

* - Labor Day Picnic: September 4th (time/location TBD)

* - Regular monthly meetings (10:00 a.m. - 12 noon): Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 11 and Dec. 9 (locations TBD)

To receive updates on city party events contact us at aadems@comcast.net or visit www.aadems.org

This message has been sent by Tim Colenback, Vice Chair for Organization on behalf of city party chair Susan Greenberg.

Official Website: http://aadems.org

Added by timot1 on June 28, 2006

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