Are you or your friends looking for a great, affordable preschool for children ages 3 and 4?
Ann Arbor Cooperative Preschool will be having its open house on Saturday, February 11, 2012 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. We are located at 517 E. Washington in downtown Ann Arbor. Parking is available either in our attached lot, on the street, or in the parking structure across the street from the school.
Come meet our amazing teacher and see our great classroom and
playground facilities. Bring your children so they can see what our co-op is all about. Other co-op members will be on hand to answer
any questions you may have.
Ann Arbor Co-op Preschool is a non-profit, non-sectarian preschool operated by and for its members since 1938. Parents work with the teacher to explore and develop cognitive, social, emotional, and creative capabilities through play. Parents become better teachers to their children by participating first hand in their children's education. We are committed to high-quality education at a low cost.
The 3s class meets M-W-F mornings and the 4s class meets M-W-F afternoons. Children must turn 3 or 4 by Dec. 1, 2012 to be eligible for the 2012-2013 school year.
For more information about our school, visit our website at, e-mail, or call 734-769-7966.
Added by Gail Weber on February 8, 2012