Granville and 70th Ave,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6P4J3

Calling all Animal Lovers...Deepen the bond with your animal companion...Learn practical gentle tool toimprove your own vitality & health...Practice the way of Reiki with people and animals in your life!Reiki (Rey-Kee) is an ancient Japanese holistic healing method that is safe, respectful, and non-invasive. It involves using energy (Chi or Prana) that is channeled through a trained practitioner onto the animal or person in order to balance and promote the bodys natural healing mechanism of mind, body, and spirit wellness.Animals respond to Reiki immediately and with excitement as they are deeply tuned in withthe energy of the earth! This is an opportunity to study the psychology of the Human-Animal bond and become initiatedin Basic Animal/Human Reiki healing. Small group setting allow for personal growth and Spiritual transformation!What will you learn and receive?
Reiki History and Ethics (the 5 principles)
How energy heals (humans, plants, animals)?
Healing Animals: The main principles of Animal Reiki
The Chakra System Overview (human / animal)
Reiki for Companion Animals, wild animals, farm animals
Reiki Level I Initiation / Attunements
Reiki Level One Practitioner Manual
Hands-OnSelf-Healing Practice
Practice on cats & rabbits
Full Group Reiki session
Certificate of completion: Anima & Human Reiki
What people say:"My life has been deeply and profoundly affected by yesterday's Animal Reiki course... Going through the process andworking with the horses was beyond words for me..." Lani, Toronto, ONT

"Words just can't describe the experience I've had after taking the Introductory Level I Reiki for animals, in the Spring 2008. I am eagerly awaiting the next level in the Fall!!!"Leslie, North Vancouver, BC
Save $15 if registering before Mar 15, 2009 Tuition is $185.00plus $50 registration fee(incl. all material)or $185.00 plus $65 reg. fee afterMarch 15, 2009Balance of tuition feepaid by cheque or cashon the day of classExact location and detailed information will be emailed to registered students

*Refund and Cancellation policy: A Full refund will be issued if cancelled byFeb 28, 2009.Afterthat date, refund minus a cancellation feeof $50 will be issued. No refunds afterFeb 28, 2009 as seats are very limited. Join the network of the worlds Pioneering Animal ReikiHealers!
Shiri R. Joshua, M.A., Usui Reiki teacher (master level),public speaker, and a registered psychotherapist, formally in private practice with specialty in pet loss bereavement and child & adolescent development. Shiri is the foundingdirector of the CanadianCentre for Pet Loss Bereavement ( andthe Shiri Joshua's Centre for Human & Animal Healingbased in Vancouver, BC.Shiri is offering this animal / human healing course as part of her mission to help spread the light of Animal & Human Reikito a limited number of students who are ready for this transformative path. Tel. 778-319-7387

Organized by Shiri Joshua's Centre for Human & Animal Healing
Where people heal animals... And animals heal people!

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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