Anger Solutions Boot Camp Basic Training
April 1, 2009
Do you:
have clients with anger problems?
Get frustrated with the time and effort required to research and develop effective anger resolution tools?
Need a solid base of tools and resources for yourself and yourstaff?
Want to hone your group facilitation skills?
Attend our Boot Camp Basic Training and become a Certified Facilitator. This program takes place on April 1, 2009 at White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa. This unique training setting will allow you the opportunity to network with professionals going through to become Certified Trainers as well as to learn from a Level II Certified Trainer who has been facilitating Anger Solutions groups with consistently outstanding results.
As a Certified Facilitator, you can begin running Anger Solutions groups within your agency, and will be able to tailor the program to fit the unique needs of your client group. Certified Facilitators will receive over $150 in materials, tools, and resources to assist with a seamless startup with the program, as well as a one-year membership to the CAASP, and a non-exclusive license to operate the program for a 12 month period. (Meals and refreshments are also included)
Who Should Attend?
Long term care providers, Social Workers, Child and Youth Workers, Teachers, Addictions Workers, Group Home staff, Mental Health Workers, and Counsellors in Private Practice. If you work in Human Services, and have clients wtih anger, this workshop is for you!
Your Investment: $379.00
REGISTER TODAY! Space is Limited. Visit
http://asbootcamp0109.eventbrite.com or contact
Anger Solutions is currently in use by several agencies across Canada, including Canadian Mental Health Association (Cornwall, Sault Ste. Marie), Mission Services of London, Giant Life Solutions (Niagara), Eastern Health (Newfoundland), Changing Perspectives (Nova Scotia), Amethyst Womens Addiction Treatment Centre (Ottawa), Child and Youth Wellness Centre of Leeds & Grenville, Lennox & Addintgon Community Mental Health Services, and others. Anger Solutions is now international with Certified Trainers in Trinidad and Tobago.
Organized by BODA reLEAF consultingWorkplace Efficiency Experts with a focus on team building, communication, stress management, and anger resolution. Our mission is to leverage individuals, families, teams, and businesses to communicate more effectively. Visit our website for more information:
Ticket Info: - One registration - Anger Solutions Boot Camp, C$388.47
- Discounted ticket - 2 or more from same agency 20%, C$310.58
Official Website: http://asbootcamp0109-upcoming.eventbrite.com