515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5K3

Companies need an exit strategy first, which in combination with their capital requirements, drives their financing strategy. Ask yourself:
1 What is my exit strategy and why do I need one before I look for investors?
2 What type of investor best matches my exit strategy and capital requirements?
3 What are the four major steps I should be doing now to plan for a successful exit?
4 What about the timeline, valuation and legal process? - case study: Parasun exit.

This all day March 9 workshop will be presented by Basil Peters, Axel Christiansen, Thomas Hellman, Steven MacDonald, Steven Lukas, Bob Chaworth-Musters and other experts to be announced. It will be a blend of presentations and war stories with local experts, with lots of time for Q&A and networking.

First 15 seats at $270 each = 30% off final fee. Bring a qualified friend (approx. 10% lower). Questions to bob@ANGELforum.org

Official Website: https://www.confmanager.com/main.cfm?cid=77&nid=11505

Added by bmann on January 29, 2009