Legendary pianist and vocalist Andy Bey appears at Jazz at Pearl's in San Francisco fro Friday, August 3rd through Sunday, August 5th with two shows each night, one at 8:00 PM and another at 10:00 PM. Andy Bey's silky bass-baritone voice has been called "one of the finest instruments in jazz." He has a unique way of mixing lyrics and melody to tell a story, and after more than five decades of making music, the 64-year-old musician has a growing legion of fans worldwide. Critics are hailing Bey's latest effort, American Song, calling him one of the greatest singers of ballads in jazz today. Bey has also gained notoriety for speaking out about being a gay man and HIV positive.
Official Website: http://www.jazzpolice.com/content/view/7162/119/
Added by larrybob on July 30, 2007