36-40 Edge Street
Manchester, England M4 1HN

Once a monthh social get together for Android devotees, and intrestees to learn, share knowledge & expertise and the oppurtunity to ask fellow Droids questions. The event will cover Android basics and will endevour to bring in guest speakers, latest app demos and discussions followed by some socialising at the nearest drinking establishment.

Vison – To build a knowledgeable forward orientated Android tech & social community that dabbles with cutting edge technologies, Apps and attracts speakers from the likes of Google, HTC, Android et al.

Plan for 1st 3 sessions:

Session 1: Basics of Android + App demo.
Session 2: Lists + App Demo
Session 3: UI + App Demo
Seesion 4: Widgets

Contact email: info@android-manchester.co.uk

Official Website: http://crd.fm/6D

Added by MadLabuk on March 20, 2011

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