275 Grove Street
Newton, Massachusetts 02466

Have you mastered making informational web sites and applications accessible, but wonder what to do when it comes to new interactive media and animated content? Do you give up on accessibility because your company wants to use Flash or Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)? Think accessibility is not possible with Web 2.0?

On February 21, 2007, Boston-IA (www.Boston-IA.org) and Adobe Systems Incorporated (www.Adobe.com) will present Adobe accessibility expert Andrew Kirkpatrick talking about "Accessibility for Rich Internet Applications".
Andrew will talk about how to make Adobe(r) Flash(r) Adobe(r) Flex(tm), Ajax, and other rich internet applications accessible for people with disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn that you can use the latest techniques and still maintain your commitment to an accessible Web.

Be sure to visit Andrew Kirkpatrick's Accessibility blog at:

The meeting is sponsored Adobe Systems, and Signature Consultants (www.sigconsult.com), an IT staffing solutions firm.

(Adobe, Flash, and Flex are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.)


Please visit the Boston-IA Meetings page for more information and to


You can also pre-register by sending email to: registerlist@Boston-IA.org with "I will attend Boston-IA on February 21, 2007" in the subject line.

[Please note that we are using a new email address for registration from previous meetings.]

Please pre-register today and by February 19, if possible. We need a list of all attendees for security purposes.

The meeting is free for paid Boston-IA members, and $25 for guests.

Starting this year, Boston-IA members attend all meetings for free! You can join Boston-IA or renew your Boston-IA membership when you arrive at the meeting for $50 and attend the meeting without cost. Membership is $50, good until September 2007.

Read on for more details about the meeting.


The meeting will take place from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at:

Adobe Systems Incorporated,
Riverside Center,
275 Grove Street,
Newton, MA 02466

Light refreshments will be served.

Riverside Center is adjacent to the Riverside T stop and close to I-95/Route 128. Visit the Boston-IA web site (www.Boston-IA.org) for meeting instructions and a link to the Adobe driving directions.


If you'd like to volunteer to help at the February 21 meeting, please visit our Volunteers page to learn about volunteer opportunities:


Please send e-mail indicating the role you'd like to play to:


If you have any questions, e-mail us at: info@Boston-IA.org

Official Website: http://www.boston-ia.org/

Added by Clampants on February 5, 2007