Orchestra of Tangier, led by the legendary master, Ahmed Zaitouni, introduces this festive yet contemplative Moroccan classical music to New England.
The thousand-year-old Andalusian Music was performed in Southern Spain until the Reconquista, when non-Christian populations had to leave the area. Their musical and poetic traditions have been preserved in Morocco and other Maghreb countries.
Orchestra of Tangier performs excerpts from their musical and poetic traditions called Nubas (instrumental and vocal suites) with master musicians on rebab, violin, viola, tambourine and goblet drum.
Tickets: $35 (general) & $25 (students)
Ticket Web (866) 468-7619
For more info & tickets by phone: MENA Music (866) MENA-295
Official Website: http://menamusic.org
Added by MENA Music on August 25, 2007