Ancient Woodland Earthworks of Northern Ohio, Recent Research at the Heckleman Site
Dr. Brian Redmond, Curator of Archaeology
Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 7 pm
Small mound sites are not uncommon in northern Ohio and have been recorded for more than a century. Sites with other kinds of earthworks are much less common, and most have been identified as ancient fortifications of one kind or another. Two seasons of archaeological investigations at the Heckleman site in Erie County, Ohio reveal something quite different, an unusual complex of earthworks of various forms that were first constructed more than 2,000 years ago and used for generations. Among what remains are distinctive artifacts of the Hopewell culture of southern Ohio. Was this a Hopewell trading post or ceremonial center? Why was it built and occupied for so long? How were these enclosures used? Dr. Redmond will discuss some of the fascinating results of his work at the Heckleman site and begin to address these intriguing questions.
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Added by cmnhmarketing2664 on March 21, 2011