Event Phone : 949-340-7408
Email : admin@templeoflight.info
Website : http://www.TempleOfLight.info
Description : Willaru Huayta, Peruvian Chasqui and Spiritual Messenger, and University of the Divine Sacred Heart invite you to join with us for an evening of Ancient Spiritual Teachings from the Lands of the Inca.
Topics for the Evening:
Willaru is very much guided in the moment as to what is shared based on what the group needs. There will be time for question and answer at the end, so if a specific topic is not covered, you will have time to ask about it. Some of the topics that may be covered are listed here:
Three Steps to the Revolution of Our Consciousness.
Ego: Why its death is necessary.
Wisdom of the Father - Love of the Mother: Journey from your head to your heart.
2012 and the Big Red Planet: What it means for you, humanity and the planet.
Sacred Alchemy
Karma; and how to negotiate yours.
What the Inca really did at Machu Picchu
Willaru, from Cusco Peru, was born into the Quetchua tribe in a village high in the Andes mountains. Pursuing his own spiritual quest as a young adult, it was only after Willaru went deep into the Amazon jungle, that he was able to find and explore the true knowledge held deep within his heart. The Quetchua are believed to be direct descendants of the ancient Inca civilization and Willaru is known in the Inca language as a "Chasqui" or spiritual messenger. Along his pilgrimage in the Amazon Willaru found the connection with his higher self, was given the name sun Messenger and instructed to travel to Cusco and around the world with messages pertaining to the transitional times in which we live. Ever since then, Willaru has been working as a bridge between the ancient Inca civilizations with that of our own to share Wisdom of his Father and Love of his Mother with modern Western Society. Willaru lives in service to humanity by sharing from his illuminated heart - teaching and sharing freely the knowledge of his ancestors.
Suggested Donation: $35
Official Website: http://www.TempleofLight.info
Added by Temple of Light OC on May 6, 2010