650 W Washington St
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

The Earth's crust is made up of huge, slow-moving plates that creep across the planet's surface. Over time, lands shift and oceans rise and fall. Tropical seas repeatedly flooded Indiana throughout the Earth's history. About 100 million years ago, the plate carrying North America -- including Indiana -- reached its current position. Many of the ancient life forms that once inhabited the area have since vanished, but Indiana's rocks hold their story. In this gallery, exhibits packed with specimens from the museum's diverse fossil collection help visitors explore the ancient life that shaped the state. Visitors can also explore fossil records and see depictions of real animals throughout the gallery.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 16, 2010


Warren Peace

The Locust
Trevor Dunn's Trio Convulsant

Other Info:
Admission: $28.50+service charge
All Ages, 1 Room(s)

The show was seemingly rushed as the venue was double booked for the evening.