Nat Boettigheimer, Director, Planning and Project Development, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA/Metro)
Harry Robinson, Dean Emeritus, Howard University School of Architecture and Design
Justin Schor, Manager of Program Development,
As new residents and businesses move into the LeDroit Park, U Street and Columbia Heights neighborhood, how can we better plan for:
- transportation choices that relieve traffic congestion;
- managing parking;
- increasing walking, bicycling and riding transit;
- aligning development with transit planning;
- extending public transit options, e.g. Yellow Line and bus service.
Speakers will discuss ways to improve access for residents and visitors while better managing traffic and parking. We learn about examples from other areas where residents and businesses create "Transportation Management Plans" and associations to reduce potential traffic and parking demand from new development, which increasing access.
Added by rllayman on April 6, 2006