Combining cutting-edge neuroscience, the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, and her own method based on more than thirty years of experience working with thousands of people around the world, Anat Baniel has defined the Nine Essentials your brain needs to flourish. In this breakthrough book, she offers specific, practical advice for incorporating those Essentials into everything you do to achieve immediate and powerful benefits.
Endorsed by leading physicians, scientists, and transformational teachers, the Anat Baniel Method will help you enjoy renewed energy and stamina. You’ll be lighter on your feet. Your memory will be better. Thinking and problem solving will become easier. If you are active in a sport, yoga, or work out at the gym, you will notice yourself performing better and with greater ease and fewer injuries.
Baniel is the director of the Anat Baniel Method Center in San Rafael. A clinical psychologist and dancer, she worked closely with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for more than fifteen years and has helped thousands of people–from five days old to ninety years of age.
Added by pamgrange on May 31, 2009