583 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10065

The ANA Mobile Marketing Conference presented by MediaVest will be a must-attend event for anyone who is trying to navigate their brands through this ever-changing landscape. According to the ANA and Mobile Marketing Association joint survey results revealed last fall, about 90% of marketers currently use or plan to include mobile marketing as part of their overall mix. The development of new mobile technologies has created enormous opportunities, providing marketers with the ability to engage their customers anywhere at any time. However, although mobile marketing is a rapidly growing area, marketers are faced with issues such as the inability to have metrics to prove ROI and the lack of understanding of mobile marketing within their organization.

Registration Pricing
Member Rate Non-Member Rate
*Live Streaming $ 495 $ 595
Conference Registration Fee $ 495 $ 595

ANA Members may take advantage of special corporate pricing of $995 for four members from the same company. Please contact registration@ana.net to take advantage of this special rate. Please visit our website at http://www.ana.net/members/list to see if your company is a member of the ANA.

*Live Streaming Option: We know that not everyone can travel to our Mobile Marketing Conference, so we have decided to stream it live! It's a great way to see sessions as they happen and communicate via chat with other participants online. You'll be able to hear the speakers and see their slides, just like any other webinar.

Official Website: http://www.ana.net/conference/show/id/MOB-SEPT11

Added by ayc on May 11, 2011