Petersfield Museum cares for an exciting collection of historic maps. This talk will give you an insight into their uses for Archaeologists and Historians as well as an opportunity to view the museums map collection.
The session is led by Hugh Beamish a landscape archaeologist for Oxford Archaeology
All workshops and talks last approximately an hour and will take place at Petersfield Museum’s Flora Twort Gallery unless otherwise stated.
There will be tea and coffee on arrival.
The suggested donation for each talk is £5 or what ever you can afford, please leave all donations in the donation box in the entrance hall.
Petersfield Museum is a registered charity and we rely on donations to:
Care for our buildings and collections
Improve visitor services
Provide educational and outreach services
Without your help we cannot continue to offer talks and workshops such as these.
For booking’s or more information please contact Vicky the Education and Outreach Officer
01730 260 756
Added by on May 18, 2009