Seminar designed to encourage the “growing of your own food” both on an allotment, in your own garden and even on the patio using the principles of organic gardening. With more young people becoming interested in growing their own fruit and vegetables it is important that they are successful in their efforts, thus helping to build a new generation of gardeners.
The soil: composts and manures, a DIY approach
Getting started: how to grow, crop rotation
Weed control: managing the plot
Pest control: companion planting and organic control
Using your space: crops to grow in a small space, what to grow, easy vegetables
Practical demonstration on four easy vegetables to grow on the patio, which will vary depending on season.
Everybody is welcome at these seminars, for which we will ask you to give a voluntary donation. Please book early to avoid disappointment, or just turn up on the day!
All delegates will receive a full set of notes, normally on CD (or paper by request)
Tea and coffee will be provided free.
Robert Wiseman
0794 1078135
Added by seeorganicgardeners on June 7, 2010