What is a brand? How can small businesses build their brands to compete with large ones? What constitutes customer experiences with a brand? An introduction to the Beaverton Chamber of Commerce series, "Build your small business brand through customer experiences", this session will outline the concept of brand and branding, and walk the audience through the process of building a brand through designing customer experiences at various touch points. We'll focus on the importance of consistent execution and highlight the top three cost-effective techniques to build your small business brand.
Summary for "Build your small business brand through customer experiences": A brand is more than a logo, glossy brochure, or fancy website. It comprises all expectations and experiences your target audiences have with your company, before, during, and after the purchase. Companies of all sizes can build brands that stand out and support their business goals, and do so affordably and sustainably. Because of proximity to their customers, small businesses are uniquely positioned to reap the benefits of branding. The series will offer small businesses resources, tips, and examples to help cultivate their brands through designing customer experiences at different touch points.
Official Website: http://semiosiscommunications.com/experiencebrands.html
Added by peterkorchnak on January 2, 2009