35 Fairview Mall Drive
Toronto, Ontario M2J 4S4


Stage Centre Productions presents
the thriller An Inspector Calls

An Inspector Calls
Written by J.B. Priestley
Directed and Designed by L. Garth Allen
Featuring Brad Emes, Jill Frazer, Judy Gans, Robert Glen, Frank Keenan, Roger Kell,
Varda Shomrony

September 30 – October 9, 2010

“Public men, Mr. Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges.” The Inspector
___________________________________________________________________________________TORONTO, ON… Though ostensibly a remarkably clear and effective drama, an air of mystic unreality underlies An Inspector Calls. When a young girl commits suicide in an English industrial city, an eminently respectable British family is subjected to a routine inquiry in connection with the death. An inspector calls to interrogate them. To some degree, all are implicated, but what was a friendly, close-knit family at the beginning of the evening is revealed as selfish, self-centred, and cowardly before the night is over. And who was the "inspector"? Why was no suicide reported to the police? How did he know?

Joining director/designer L. Garth Allen are repertory company members Frank Keenan as Arthur Billings, Judy Gans as Sybil Birling, Robert Glen as Gerald Croft, Jill Frazer as Sheila Birling, Brad Emes as Eric Birling, Varda Shomrony as Edna, Roger Kell as Inspector Goole.

Stage Centre Productions, under the founding artistic leadership of L. Garth Allen, is a 60-person strong repertory company of Toronto area artists committed to presenting the classics from the world theatre canon.


DATES: September 30th to October 3rd (Thursday to Sunday), and October 5th to 9th (Tuesday to Saturday)

MEDIA/VIP OPENING: September 30, 2010 at 8:00 p.m.

TIMES: Shows begin at 8:00 p.m., excepting October 3rd which begin at 2:00 p.m.

TICKETS: Adults $27.50, Seniors/Students $22
To order tickets call 416.299.5557 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              416.299.5557      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or click http://www.stagecentreproductions.com/SCP_SingleTickets.htm
Subscription packages are available from $88. You save up to 25%.

LOCATION: Fairview Public Library Theatre, 35 Fairview Mall Drive, North York, Ontario. Steps away from the Don Mills Subway Station on the Sheppard Line. Lots of free parking. Wheelchair access and hearing devices available.

About Stage Centre Productions
Stage Centre Productions is a full repertory theatre company dedicated and devoted to presenting a wide cross-section of the classics of theatre history. Stage Centre has performed at the Fairview Library Theatre for thirty-two seasons and is now performing their 34th season, which openes on September 30, 2010. Each season, five plays that are tried and true literary classics are performed under the artistic direction of L. Garth Allen. The company constructs all of the sets, costumes, wigs and properties required for each production at its rehearsal workshop.

For more information about Stage Centre Productions check out their website at http://www.stagecentreproductions.com/SCPframest.html


For further media information and artist interviews please contact Kim Blackwell at
416-346-4709 or blackwellcommunications@gmail.com

Added by bridget.norris on September 20, 2010

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