This is a cross technology talk and is suitable for anyone with an interest in the design and development of websites.
In this talk, Michael Briggs (SEO guru) will discuss the art and science of improving the visibility of your clients websites in the major search engines. Do you know how to make sure your website gives the search engines the information they need to maximise your ranking potential? Do you know your canonical meta tag from your keyword density? Genuflect to the Google God or experience its wrath and for having the wrong HTTP headers on your website...
In modern SEO the goal posts can move at a moment notice generating relevancy is always the name of the game. Come along and discover how you can get more from your website, your clients sites and begin the journey to getting your website seen in all the right places.
Michael Briggs is currently the lead search engine optimiser at Equator providing SEO and website intelligence to clients across a range of verticals including AXA PPP health Insurance, Peacocks Clothing, DFDS Ferries and has worked on everything from BT Yahoo Broadband to caravan park suppliers. With over 7 years experience in agency land and longer if you include his own personal dabblings in online Michael has a wealth of knowledge in SEO, SEM and god knows how many different marketing channels. Blogs, intermittently, for fun about internet marketing as mercurythread and acts as an online consultant for a range of businesses in the UK.
18:45 Doors open19:00 Welcome19:10 An Insight into SEO Magic20:50 Feedback and Prizes21:00 End
Organized by Scottish Developers
Ticket Info: Free Entry, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/295874970/upcoming