148 Woodhouse Lane
Leeds, England LS2 9EN

We are pleased to welcome Tony Platt, music engineer and producer, as our guest presenter for the next in our Evening with…series of presentations. Tony Platt is a freelance music engineer and producer with over thirty years experience. Starting at Trident Studios Tony moved to Island Studios, working with artists including Led Zeppelin, Paul McCartney and Bob Marley amongst many others. On leaving Island Tony turned freelance, becoming studio engineer for Mutt Lange on records by AC/DC, Foreigner and the Boomtown Rats as well as working on documentary film soundtracks.

More recently Tony has worked with a number of artists in various genres from blues to rock, hip-hop and jazz and to this end currently shares a small studio at The Strongroom with Haydn Bendall, former Abbey Road engineer/producer.

In addition Tony is a trustee of GETSET, a director of the Music Producers Guild and regularly provides guest lectures and workshops worldwide. If you wish to come along please email us at info@ntileeds.co.uk

Official Website: http://www.ntileeds.co.uk/pages/news_details.php?newsid=62uk

Added by Linda Broughton on February 27, 2008