Robert Bly, author of more than three dozen works of poetry and translations, and the best sellers Iron John and The Sibling Society,remains one of the most hotly debated American artists of the past half-century. In his wide ranging roles as ground breaking poet, editor, translator, storyteller and father of what he has called the “expressive men’s movement,” Bly has influenced two generations of poets and readers on how to write, hear, read and use poetry and myth as psychological revelation, guidance and interpretation. Accompanied by sitarist David Whetstone and tabla percussionist Marcus Wise, Robert Bly brings his art, wit and the wisdom of our
cultural dilemma to the stage for this uniquely stimulating and rare public performance. “When the cultural and intellectual history of our time is written, Robert Bly will be recognized as the catalyst for a sweeping cultural revolution.”
- Robert Moore
Added by nexstory on April 8, 2009